Monday, September 21, 2009

On Sunday Erin and I went...

... to Granny and Grampa house. With N still in hospital, I needed time away from home and Erin has been bugging me to go back to "Grwanny Avil" house. She really loves being there!
So we went, with her camera, and had the time of her life playing ball with Grampa and taking pics with Granny.

(smile granny)

(ooooh, whats that?)

(The object of interest in granny's garden)

("look Grwanny, there it is")

(if you can take a photo, so can I)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Nicole is in hospital...

... at the moment, and what's very worrying is that we don't know at the moment what is actually wrong. I took her too the Doc on monday with flu like symptoms, and due to the Swine flu epidemic, was teated as such... she got much worse and is now in High care at hospital. the Intensivist is not really sure what's wrong, so we are naturally very concerned. Erin really misses mommy, keeps asking for her, and being two years old, not really understanding why she is not at home...

(Our future specialist assessing her patient before going to hospital)

Our little budding Photographer...

... has been spending alot of time recently with Granny and Grampa, as a result, has seen Granny Avril taking pics all over the garden.
So... Erin found our old camera, and decided its time she did the same... 176 photo's later

(No Dumbledore, you cant look at it)


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Have "one more drink", be reckless, don't obey traffic laws, ignore other road users, don't wear your seatbelt, allow your kids to stand on front seat...

... cause you are a safe driver... IT WON'T HAPPEN TO YOU!!!!!!!!!